A Catamaran Lagoon 620 2015 available for sale. Taxes paid.
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Designed by the architects Van Peteghem and Lauriot Prévost (VPLP) in association with the Lagoon R&D department, the Lagoon 620 is an innovative solution to the needs of today’s cruising yachtsman. The interiors designed by Nauta, makes her an even more luxurious and comfortable yacht.
In the dining room, the settees have been entirely redesigned.
On the starboard side, the master suite has been substantially modified, with a washroom now placed aft on either side of the cockpit access stairs, making room for a large cupboard space in the bedroom. The forward starboard cabin, now a real V.I.P. suite, also benefits from this change due to the volume freed up by the repositioning of the master washroom.
Lateral galley with 4 Cabins version, with 2 crew cabins (one with shower and head)
Interior upholstery leather in nubuck
Exterior upholstery dark grey and graphite
Double electronic engine controls
Inside Equipment
Electrical Equipment
Outside Equipment/Extras